I would hazard a guess that you've heard some crazy things about hair toppers over the years... they’re uncomfortable, really obvious, or only for people with hair loss.
Well today we're going to throw those myths in the bin!
In this blog post, I'm busting some common misconceptions about hair toppers and revealing why these bad boys are about to become your new best friend. So, get ready, because you’re about to have your mind (and hair) blown!
"Hair toppers are so obvious!"
Myth: "Hair toppers look fake and it's so easy to spot when someone's wearing one."
Busted: Modern hair toppers are designed to blend seamlessly with your natural hair. I work with them all the time, and I’m still amazed at how natural they look when the right size, colour, and style are chosen and fitted. And anyway, if someone notices, so what? It’s nobody’s business but yours, and you deserve to enjoy your new hair. (PS I have another blog post that can help with this, click here to read it.) If you knew just how many people on TV and in the public eye have 'help' with their hair, you would fall off your chair!
"Hair toppers must be really uncomfortable!"
Myth: "I'll never be able to cope with wearing one, it's going to itch and make me hot!"
Busted: Real hair toppers are lightweight and breathable, not like those heavy, synthetic hair helmets of decades gone by. I have a topper myself (who needs the hassle of a fringe when you can just clip in a topper?) and I can vouch for how comfortable and easy it is to wear. Getting the fit just right is key, and that’s where I come in… plus, I offer different ways to secure your topper so you can choose the most comfortable option for you.
"Hair toppers are just for covering bald spots!"
Myth: "Hair toppers are only for those with hair loss or bald patches."
Busted: Yes, real human hair toppers can cover thinning areas, but they can also be used for adding volume, thickness, and even chemical-free colour. And you can completely change up your style with one. Personally, I use mine to add a fringe that lays perfectly no matter the weather. For my clients, other than helping with hair loss, I love using hair toppers to add highlights to brunettes – no bleach or constant colour appointments required! Just flip, clip, and go!
"You can't wear a hair topper in the wind and rain!"
Myth: "Hair toppers will simply fly off or fall apart if you're caught in bad weather."
Busted: Hair toppers are made to be durable and hard-wearing. They're certainly not going to be phased by a bit of wind and rain. We live in the UK, after all – so your topper needs to be a little resilient!
"Hair toppers are so expensive!"
Myth: "They're just too much money!"
Busted: Granted, good hair toppers aren’t cheap, but they last a long time and offer incredible value. When you compare them to constant salon visits, hair extensions, and colouring treatments, they’re actually a pretty good deal.
Final thoughts
I hope you enjoyed this light-hearted myth-busting session! Hair toppers are stylish, comfy, versatile, and worth every penny. However, buyer beware... once you have one, you'll be thinking about getting a second, and a third...